Faces of Tala: Introducing Stephen

Faces of Tala: Introducing Stephen

A big part of Tala’s conservation programme is working with our charity partner the Heart of England Forest. The whole Tala team visited HoEF last Friday, and we managed to grab 5 minutes with the charity’s Head Forester, Stephen, who is in the hot seat this week.

​I am the Head Forester for the Heart of England Forest. I have been involved here for the last ten years and been responsible for planting over one million trees in that time. Our goal is exciting and ambitious, but I really do believe we can achieve the dream of a 30,000 acre broadleaved forest, one tree at a time.

What were your first impressions of Tala?
A team full of energy, very enthusiastic and so friendly…. what’s not to like!

What’s your favourite Tala product?
All products because more product sales = more trees planted.

What are your favourite past-times outside of work?
Blues and trees.

What did you have for brekkie this morning?
I don’t eat breakfast but do have two strong coffees.

What’s your go-to drink?
Coffee with plenty of milk.

If you could be an animal for a day what would you be?
A bird, probably a bird of prey soaring on thermals looking at the landscape below.

Keep rockin Stephen! Stay tuned for a full blog post this Friday about Tala Ten Trees and our trip to the woods.