Power of Nature: Continuing our tree planting pledge

As part of Tala’s Alternative Black Friday initiative, the London team left their desks for the day to join our UK reforestation partners, the Heart of England Forest, for a day of tree planting.
Braving the cold of the countryside, our city slickers were soon into their stride hammering posts, digging holes and planting seedlings with the help of the wonderful Heart of England Forest staff and volunteers.

Over the course of the afternoon, we collectively planted 720 trees — 120 more than in 2017. Covering over two hectares, the team managed to plant 653 English Oak trees, with the remaining seedlings made up of Rowan, Field Maple, Wild Cherry and Willow.
‘On behalf of everyone at the charity we wanted to offer our sincerest thanks to you all for your amazing tree planting… We were all really blown away by your continued enthusiasm and commitment…’
Karen Hiller, Head of Fundraising at HOEF

This annual trip is not only a team-bonding exercise, but a crucial reminder of the work that Tala set out to achieve from the very beginning. Through the design, manufacture and distribution of our LED light sources, we aim to prevent CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere by encouraging people to invest in energy efficient lighting, while our work with reforestation partners is geared towards the absorption of existing emissions. In this way, we can directly contribute to worldwide efforts to combat the effects of climate change. Indeed, with every tree planted we will create enough oxygen for two people for their entire lifetimes.

From the devastating wildfires in California, to the continued deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, and countless cases around the world, there has never been a greater need to replace what we’ve lost, and continue to lose, and the team is dedicated to continuing our efforts for many years to come.
Until next year…

Tala makes a quarterly donation to the Heart of England Forest in the UK, the National Forest Foundation in the USA and WeForest, which operates reforestation projects worldwide.